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When importing npm packages, they are fetched in the user's browser from, an npm package CDN.

This means that you can import npm packages directly in your BWE component without having to install them.

Note that not every npm package will function within the BWE environment

Supported Packages

By default, preact and react (via preact/compat) are available via the container's importmap.

The BWE team has a tracker here which categorizes known compatibility of packages. Expect the list to grow over time.

If you have certain packages which you would like to use within BWE, please chime in on this thread

Expected Incompatibility

Some packages are expected to not work within BWE due to its architecture and security model. Packages which rely on the following are expected to not work:

  • direct access to the window or document objects
  • usage of certain React hooks, in particular useContext and DOM manipulation via useRef
  • state management across iframes
  • React implementation details not in parity with Preact

In general, external component libraries (e.g. Chakra UI) and state management libraries are not well-supported in the current version.

BWE Components

Other BWE components can be imported and embedded within your component.

Dedicated Import Syntax

Any BWE Component can be imported using the following syntax



import Message from 'near://bwe-web.near/Message'

// ...

// in use
<Message />

Since components use default exports, you can import them using any name you like. Note the difference between the imported name and the component path:

import Foo from 'near://bwe-web.near/Bar'

Relative Imports

Components published by the same NEAR account and in the same directory can be imported using relative paths.

import Foo from './Foo'

This only works for ./ paths. Other relative imports such as ../Foo are not implemented.


Directory support is a work in progress. If you place / separators in your component name when working in the sandbox, it will be treated as a directory separator.

From a component named Foo/Bar.tsx, relative imports will only be resolvable for other components starting with Foo/.